Mindset Matters.

Coaching for Wellbeing @ Work.


Mindset Matters…

… for stress resilience and burnout-prevention


… effective teamwork

creativity and innovation

Our mindset shapes how we experience our life. And we can influence our mindset.


FOR INDIVIDUALS who prioritise their wellbeing, want to develop their healthy workstyle, overcome challenges and reach their full potential.

FOR COMPANIES who care about the wellbeing, motivation and resilience of their leaders, managers and employees.

I combine 20 years of corporate experience with an ICF certified coaching training, mindfulness training and a training as Psychological Fitness Specialist. So - I can relate to your workplace highs and lows and I speak your language. With coaching and a box of effective tools I help you change your work experience.

My Services

  • For Individuals

    For individuals who prioritise their wellbeing, want to develop their healthy workstyle, overcome challenges and reach their full potential.

    When work starts to feel like aburden on us, on our wellbeing or on our social life, then it is time to do something about it.

    The good news is: there is always a way out - even if we feel really stuck.

    Our mindset can help or hinder us. It has a profound impact on how we experience worklife and life in general, on how productive we are, how we interact with others. etc.

    My offer is to support you on your way forward with pragmatic, result-oriented coaching. Together we can find out what works best for you.

  • For Companies

    For companies who care about the wellbeing, motivation and resilience of their leaders, managers and employees.

    Highly successful companies thrive on highly motivated, highly skilled, highly loyal and healthy employees.

    All it needs is the right framework. How about changing perspective: instead of asking “What can the employees do for us?” ask also “What do the employees need to stay motivated, healthy and productive?”.

    I offer tailor made trainings to improve various elements for an attractive workplace and well-being at work: leadership, resilience, connection, team work, productiviy, stress relief. What do these elements have in common? THEY ALL TARGET THE MINDSET.

What is Fitness for the Mind?

by Ludwig Berndl and Amelie D’Souza

Out-of-the-Box THINKING…

…is also a question of MINDSET.

  • If there is something you don't like - change it. If you can’t change it, change the way you look at it …


  • When things change inside you, things change around you.


  • You can't stop the waves, but you can learn to surf.

    Jon Kabat-Zinn

  • The difference between who you are and who you want to be is what you do.


  • Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass… It’s about learning to dance in the rain.



Get your mind to work for you and not against you.

A lot happens in our mind automatically without us noticing. This is not always helpful: racing thoughts, stories, implicit assumptions, judgements about ourselves and others, etc. A lot of stress is caused by it.

We can train ourselves to be in charge of our mind again and become more calm and conscious.


We humans are social beings. Our happiness depends a lot on how we interact with the people around us.

We spend so much time of our lives at work. Having good, trusting relationships with our colleagues is a major factor for our wellbeing and stress resilience.

We have the possibility to shape these relationships. Our mindset makes all the difference.


In our fast world, we have more options and information available than ever before. Our jobs require us to take more and quicker decisions -often under uncertainty. The urgent easily pushes out the important. Distractions are everywhere.

All of this puts a strain on our minds.

But: we can find our way to regain focus and clarity.

Want to get started?


  • Amelie coached me in times of professional and private challenges. She is a very passionate and empathetic coach and really helped me in numerous difficult situations. Thank you, Amelie!

    Nina G.

  • Mit geschickten Fragen und klugen Tipps schafft Amelie es, mein schlafendes Potential in mir zu wecken. So gelingt es mir, die kleineren und größeren Stolpersteine des Lebens besser zu meistern. Danke dafür!

    Silke T.

  • Before I started coaching with Amelie, I felt burnt out from trying everything to improve my work. In short, I was stuck running in circles. In our coaching sessions, she helped me discover powerful mindset shifts and strategies to navigate challenging team dynamics and projects at work. Amelie always gently encourages me to explore frustrating patterns from a place of curiosity and compassion. Amelie inspires calm when working together. With her professional and kind approach, I trust that I can bring any topic to our coaching conversations, no matter how complicated or emotionally charged, and together we can find a new path forward.

    Lieve H.