6-Week Course: Setting the Course for Your Individual Healthy Work-Style

When work starts to take up too much space and drains our energy - it’s time for a more healthy work style...

DAY: Mondays

FORMAT: 6-Week Course - small group - in person

DATES: May 13, 20, 27, June 3, 10, 17

TIME: 19.30-21.30

LOCATION: Bvd. G. Van Haelen, 1190 Forest

PRICE: 240 EUR (early bird 220 EUR until 05/05)


When work starts to take up too much space and drains our energy - it’s time for a more healthy work style... With interesting and demanding jobs it is nowadays unfortunately very common that they take up all our energy. We arrive at home in the evening fully exhausted. This limits our ability to show up properly for our family, friends and hobbies and in turn prevents us from fully recharging our batteries. It is this cycle that we need to break in order to have a balanced, fulfilled and healthy life.

In this course we will use insights from modern neuroscience, reflection and various tools to gain an understanding what actually drains our energy at work. This is different for everybody. Guided reflection will allow every participant to explore mindset and patterns that contribute to their individual stress and energy drain and identify tools that support the way forward.


     Some insights into how our minds work

     Using the body as a feedback mechanism

     Understanding one’s own personal energy killers

     Exercises to work on energy draining patterns

     Your Individual Healthy Work-Styles Implementation Plan: very pragmatic and concrete – how to turn your work style into a healthy work-style


 Week 1: Defining Healthy Work-Style

 Week 2: Identifying individual energy killers

 Week 3: Identifying individual game changers

Week 4: Deep dive into science of habit change

 Week 5: Developing Healthy Work -Style Implementation Plan

Week 6: Overcoming implementation obstacles and defining accountability

Optional: individual follow-up

Give the Mind a Break

Free - Every Thursday at 12:30-13:00h CET - via Zoom

30 minutes to relax your mind, find out more about mental fitness (different topic every week), take a glimpse into the mental fitness gym, take away some simple exercises.